Roadbook and GPS

Roadbook and GPS

Roadbook Ultra Trail del Mugello, 60km 3200D+

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Departing from the back of the Baddia di Moscheta (560 m asl), you take CAI trail 713, which climbs the path of the Vacchile river. After roughly 1.5 KM, you take the narrow road/trail to Poggiccio climbing quickly through oak and chestnut forests, the path will lead you to the village of Giogarello (920 m asl). You’ve completed roughly 4 KM. At this point, head right on the beautiful ridge trail (CAI 713), which will take you to Mount Keen (1054 m asl).  Entering onto the rocky meadow, you’ll enjoy one of the most beautiful landscapes on the course: The left side is dominated by the beautiful and wild Rovigo and Cavalier Valleys on whose cliffs nest the rare Golden Eagle. This is also now the realm of the wolf.

Descend along the ridgeline Serra Shelter (liquid refreshment and trail junctions) .

The UTM continues up a tortuous forest trail to Mounte Fellone, below the summit, you’ll reach a forest road. Go left taking the Giogo-Colla forest road (CAI 00) which branches off to the right but you’ll leave it quickly, at the vista point with benches and tables, to take the 36A path This path runs the main ridgeline climbing to 1050 m asl. This is the summit of Mount Pratone, and below you is a panoramic view of the marvelous Mugello valley.
Continue along the ridgeline, you’ll be led to the Poggio dei Prati Piani and then you descend through the soft, scenic pastures of Pratelle.

You’ll shoot out on the Giogo-Colla forest road (CAI 00), where you’ll head left and continue on for about 1 KM.
At a small shelter/hunter’s blind, you’ll take the trail CAI 38A on the left. This climbs a narrow road among fir and beech wood trees. After less than 1 KM, turn onto the CAI 38 trail, which runs along a ridge with beautiful views. This will take you back down to the Giogo-Colla Forest road (CAI 00). Take a right, but after a few hundred meters you leave the forest road again, descending through pastures and woods, towards the ditch del Barco. Wade accross the ditch, and climb the opposite bank, where you’ll arrive in the Giogo meadow. You’re now at the Giogo shelter (complete refueling/refreshment location, and the 1st chonometer control point). We’re about 17 km into the race. After leaving the Giogo shelterclimb up the meadow trails to reach the Giogo Pass (880m asl). This stretch is very scenic, and historically significant. Here you can still see the positions, and trenches of the German “Gothic Line.”

At Giogo Pass, take the forest road (CAI 00) to the left to leave it almost immediately heading down along the CAI 40 trail until you reach the Piana del Pozzo. Here you turn left on a tortuous and narrow trail, which leads to Castellonchio Shelter. These last two sections of single track are narrow and slippery, so pay close attention to your footing.

From the Castellonchio Shelter, you descend towards the Casa D’Erci. For those wanting to slow down a bit, you can take the educational path and see techniques and artifacts of the old crop farming way of life. There is also educational signage indicating local flora and fauna.

From Casa D’Erci (complete refueling/refreshment point; 430m), continue your descent a little along the road for Case Risolaia, where you’ll turn left onto the CAI 36 trail which climbs a narrow forest road towards Frassineta. After roughly 1KM, you’ll see the waterfall of Doccione. Just up stream of the waterfall, you’ll leave the forest road, taking the trail to the right. This trail will have you ford the ditch and head up the opposite slope. This path will have you pass Largignana and then Campo di Prete at which point you’ll reach Il Monte on the Mansalto-Pulicciano forest road (CAI 30). Take the left, and climb again until you reach Mansalto (930m), where you’ll reach the  CAI 36 trail. Take this trail to the right, but you’ll leave just after a couple hundred meters, taking the single track on your right. The trail climbs up and down through oak and beech woods,  and across ditches. Continue until you reach the Valdiccioli Shelter (Complete refueling/refreshment point 880m).

This is also a section where you must pay particular attention given the steep slopes and narrow and bumpy trail.

We're roughly 35 KM into the race and you’ll climb again on the forest road towards the bivouac Capanna Marcone (1031m). Reaching the bivouac, turn right on the Giogo-Colle forest road (CAI 00) until you reach the main road. Skirt this road along its course, and then cross it in the village Prato all’Albero (2nd chronometric control point). This is a great place for anyone seeking to relax in the mountains. Take the forest road toward Capanna Sicuteri and after nearly 500m, turn right onto the single-track. Which will rejoin with the CAI 505 trail and take us near the source of the Rovigo river. Continue through superb beech forests of tall trees continue on the along the CAI 505 trail, climbing the ridge of Frassinello and descending the Ronchi Berna Pass. Here the CAI 505 trail turns right, but we’ll continue straight, putting us on the CAI 701 trail. We’re on this trail only 250 meters, then we take the forest road on the left towards Le Spiagge.

Follow the road for 300 meters, and after the village of Ca Vagnella, descend left on the trail taking you to the Rovigo stream and passes under the highway. During this you’ll wade the stream 2 times. Follow the course of the stream until you reach Molino di Diacci (835m). It’s at this point you’ll be at the second junction with the Mugello Trail.  Here the land become more rugged and rocky, and in one of the steep rock walls, descends the waterfall dell’Abbraccio (“the Embrace”).where competitors will pass. Climbing again for little more than a half kilometer, you arrive at the I Diacci shelter (940 m; complete refueling/refreshment).

After leaving I Diacci, take the narrow road northwest for about 500 meters. Then, get on the CAI 739 trail towards Piani di Rovigo. Continue along through a series of ups and downs on single-track, crossing the wild Val Cavalier and leading you to the junction with forest road CAI 741. Take the CAI 741 junction right and descend down.
Pass the bivouac of Ca di Cicci (liquid refreshment available) and proceed downhill to the old, abandoned and dilapidated village of Pian dell'Aiara. Cross the ruins and head down a steep trail through groves of centuries old chestnut trees, which are of particular interest.
After less than 1KM on forest roads, you’ll head left towards La Lastra (480 m) where you cross the Rovigo creek and take the CAI 711 trail on the right. This trail starts as more of a road and then becomes single-track and enter the Valle dell’Inferno. Here after a few hundred meters, you’ll converge on the CAI 713 trail. We charge on, climbing out of the dell’Inferno valley. You’ve almost arrived, but don’t lose focus. This charming single-track is insidious because its rocky surface is almost always wet and it’s above a considerable overhanging valley.
Exiting the Valle dell’Inferno, turn left on the communal road, and after only roughly 300 meters, you’ll cross the unique and beautiful finish line inside the courtyard of the ancient Badia.

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